"The Author-Preneur with Something To Say That You'll Love To Read." #authorpreneurTJM

Where It Lay

It lay
just beyond the
murky, silent (whole)
confluence of being.
It appears and resides
as an image, and then
a word.

Poetry is born,
thus –
out of pure, raw being,
and not experience.
For, experience must always
arise after image;
after word.

It is the lapping noise
of the ocean on the sand,
on the rocks along the
coast of coldness and
of warmth.
It is the trailing
vapor of a cloud
as it leaves itself
to shift itself
in mist or rain, in
forms and torrents.

Always out from
and just before it
happens itself
into an experience.

There is the vital power
of the word upon
the soul and sound
upon the heart.

Born at once
with utterance and
sight.  But
always roiling
at a slow boil from
the murky, silent (whole)
confluence of being.

Always to


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