"The Author-Preneur with Something To Say That You'll Love To Read." #authorpreneurTJM

Silence Like Dew

There is a stillness
that is beyond wonder
and awe.

It is beyond
the beyond of all

It is in that place
the heart longs
to repose -

even if for but
a moment.  The
place where silence
runs stronger than
a meandering river.

The whisper of
a blade of grass in
the morning breeze
can take you there;

the grandeur of
Half-Dome at sunset
can reveal the way.

Whether by the smallest
of the small, or by the
greatest of the great;

go into that space and
find yourself a home.

It is there that
all things converge;

it is there that the
confluence of everything
rises into itself anew -

Find that space
no matter the cost.
There, the silence is
so loud it loses
all focus and becomes
a glistening dew
on Indra's grand net
of awareness.  All
things become
new again.

And again.

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