"The Author-Preneur with Something To Say That You'll Love To Read." #authorpreneurTJM

Some Days


Awaken if you

can from your own

self made drama of

things you have seen to

be the most important

things in

the world.


look around you at

all of those who are

dying too young;

leaving before

they have tasted

the white peach in summer,

the avocado just ripened

this moment, the

day lily bulb sauted

in butter and sea salt.

There is one here

that just became a father,

and one there that

has just born a child.

This small baby has

just learned to breathe

without a machine,

and that child there

has finally laid down to

sleep - starving - in

a field of dead crops.

Is the rancor that you

have allowed to swallow you

so undoable that you

cannot smell the milkweed

blossoms as they invade

the machinations of your

soul that is trapped on

the treadmill you have

built yourself.

Awaken, myself.


Some days the

flash of truth can

light up my mind

and I can see

for a moment

everything as it is,

lightening revealing

the true lay of

the land.

Awaken myself.


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