"The Author-Preneur with Something To Say That You'll Love To Read." #authorpreneurTJM

Myths from the Precipice

What myths
do a people tell
from the precipice

of the end
of times.

How do they
shape words to
hold the stories
of what they
see and yet suspect.

A myth about
how the conclusion
is written into
the snow

or melting ice caps.

I would think
some might be myths
of how people

can change

their molecules into
metal and cybernetic
aperture able to

brew new life
as machine.

Some sort of
something able
to hold on in
the great heat
and awesome freeze
of a desolate

Some sort of
hybrid mankind
that must start
its mutation first
in tales

of vampires and
zombies - the last

of thinking cells
able to hold life
and consciousness
and love.

The final
hungering creature that
is drunk on its
desire to consume
normal humankind
and the last
rotting remnants
of our flesh.

I think
they would need to tell
tales of a singularity;

of transformation
when skin would
turn to an alloy
and blood would
course to crude
or volt instead.

I think these things
after listening to
twenty four lectures
in Europe and watching the
endless train of articles
on shifting climate
that humans will be unable
to find pleasant without
great work; and of course
tiring of episodes of any
show that eventually
produce a zombie in the
cast of characters.

Do we know something
we are not speaking aloud?

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