"The Author-Preneur with Something To Say That You'll Love To Read." #authorpreneurTJM

Striking a Balance

We are such sad creatures; 

always pushing some one 

thing that is important to us, 

some grave weakness of ours 

onto the world. We are so 

frail. Unable to leave anything 

the way we found it. Always 

needing to alter and add a twist.

I have watched you make 

your show in church. Being sure 

to cross yourself just so - pleasing 

the image you have made for 

yourself to believe is you. I have 

seen that look - the way you set 

your eyes - in shark's eyes before 

they strike the kill. A faint glimmer 

of recognized guilt, and the remorse 

passes like the krill on the wave.


The forsythia has been fooled 

into opening. The snows that 

are yet to come - the ones she 

cannot see or know about - will 

freeze her tender flesh and melt 

her back into the bark. Such a 

price for delicate beauty.

It is curious - trying 

to strike a balance.

24 February 1996

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