"The Author-Preneur with Something To Say That You'll Love To Read." #authorpreneurTJM

Keeps Time Out Here


The Earth keeps time out 

here with the sluushing and 

the sloshing of the waves 

and the water; hissing as it 

retreats between the fronds 

and bladders of the rock-weed

and fuci on the piers.  Seaweeds.

In and out goes the tide.  In and out.

The day wears on and on

as the water-stained piers 

slowly lose their markings 

of the lower tides which have

vanished.  Covered bit 

by bit by the advancing waters;

Muffling the hiss of the seaweeds.

In and out goes the tide.  In and out.

Shadows, winds, and schools of

fishes mark the motion of life in

movements we note on calendars 

and watches.  Movements which

we have called time.  But, the swirl of

activity noted from far, far away, is

infinitesimally incremental and 

almost unnoticeable.  The suchness

of our lives not making more of

a mark than the hissing of the bay

water between the bulbous fronds

of seaweed on a pier.  A thought

which is soberly refreshing to me.

In and out goes the tide.  In and out.

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