"The Author-Preneur with Something To Say That You'll Love To Read." #authorpreneurTJM

Small Steps Ahead

When I rose to greet

the day, I needed a

hoodie against the

cool of morning.

I re-laced my boots with 

new strings realizing I spend 

so little time with these 

dear friends - thanking them. 

I sat at desk to make my 

map for the expanse of light 

that spread before me 

that would become my day.

I picked up words that had

been left out the night before

and placed them in homes

they would need for wholeness.

I placed delight in my pocket,

and thanks in my boot.  I found

a small space above the fridge

for gratitude - after I dusted.

It was clear that joy belonged

in my sock drawer and wonder

on the mantel just next to

the candle smelling of blueberries.

Hope belonged next to the poems

of Rumi, and awe just inside the cover

of Heschel.  Beauty I tucked behind

the ear of my beloved as she slept.

I was so blessed to have noticed

these simple incompletenesses

from yesterday that would need 

my attention before my walk.

A small way of carrying what I was 

given onto yet another path stretching 

out from my here and now - one more 

mile, a few more small steps ahead.

Another tidying up of my amazement

at being here again, fresh and alive.

A chance again to hide love just on the 

inside of my pinky ring this new day.

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