"The Author-Preneur with Something To Say That You'll Love To Read." #authorpreneurTJM

It's All About Me


it feels as if

it would be 

just fine

for the world to

always be here

just for me.

Wrapping its care

around me like the

arms of those

just at my left and at

my right.

Giving me the 

center of the

stage for 

just that moment.

And, at other times

still, I would prefer

it be that way for-always

just about all time.

But, as I catch

the glimpse of all

I am - in the shadows

of my shades

I am reminded that 

I have always been

just one cool cat 

in the clowder.

This poem of mine is perfectly paired with a piece by Local Artist MALCOLM CORLEY entitled “IT'S ALL ABOUT ME”.  Malcolm is 22 years old.

Malcolm’s painting is used with permission and may be seen amid his full collection at: MALCOLMSTILES.com Malcolm's Tiles


  1. I absolutely LOVE this!!

  2. Beautiful. This left a lasting impression on me
