"The Author-Preneur with Something To Say That You'll Love To Read." #authorpreneurTJM


There is some grief in everything;  
even in the light. 

A time when darkness is shrouded  
by a hard glow silvery moon. 

A smile in the presence of the dead. 

Do we not feel a damp and subtle  
angst and dissuasive play of emotion;  

a simple collaboration with consent. 
Slowly eroding the fullness of the dark; 

light shines, with varied dappled-ness among the tears a mourning earth sheds. 

Light saturates our bones  
‘til gladness converts the pangs hidden behind  

a gallant exposure to erosion  
and all that seeks to wear us down. This simple tableaux of diminished energy  and satisfied passivity.

The moon gives itself to the river’s tears -  and darkness radiates immense and colorful  bliss.

from, BATHED IN ABRASION by, N. Thomas Johnson-Medland 

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