"The Author-Preneur with Something To Say That You'll Love To Read." #authorpreneurTJM

All Three "Boat" Poems - together


When I am old
I should like a boat
to sand and paint
and pull through
the waves.
I will put out on the
Sea each day and
take from her the fish
she holds about my
island home.

From her place
I will do nothing.
I will not call to land
or signal to the
other boats. I will
fish and stare into
her depths and get


When I am old
I should like to sit
on the top of the water
in a boat I sand and paint
each year –

I can hear the Sea
call to me, “Come.
Sit. Stare. Come.”

A fleck, a crumb
can only fall to the
surface for a second.
It is taken down on
the curl of a wave.

She is hungry - the Sea.
She is hungry for me.


When I am old
I shall have a boat that
I put-out in every day.

I will bounce on waves
With little care of where
I go, but only why.

The where will not interest
Me, but THAT shall.

That I should stare deep
Into her depths and weep. That
I should find in her the tears
Of my thousands of lives,
Mingled softly and hardly
Against the other cries of
Anguish made from the bottom
Of my lives.

That a fish would be taken
I would find ok. I would
Eat her nourishment as salt
And ashes and tears and bread.

image by the author - 1995

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