"The Author-Preneur with Something To Say That You'll Love To Read." #authorpreneurTJM

Only Stay

 Pull up a log

and sit still long

enough to hear

the endless clicking

of the millions of

fallen and browning

leaves that lay strewn

upon the wooded

forest floor.

Tell me from

where it comes.

If you might.

Is it the crunching

of tiny bugs

looking for food?

Or the rise and

fall of each on

each in the

gentle wind.

As for me

it is nature’s

simple lure

to draw us in.

Stay.  Only stay

until it no

longer matters.


Angst and Wind

 Did he feel the

anguished twisting

lo those many years

of angst and wind;

torment and despair.

If he had been a

person, we’d have 

never heard an end.

Yet, the change was

daily and long, tedious

and unending.  His life

silently never the same.

The Scent of God

Hide your infinite 

heart out among the

blueberries; so,

when my soul is 

flagging and weak

I might go there and

wander - tasting the air

for you and closing my 

eyes in a fondness 

of your rich aroma.

Lure me in on the

whispers you planted 

in the dirt.  The ones

watered into leaf and

branch; giving full 

bloom and sensual 

exposure to the dewy 

fronds of your sacred 

and passionate love.

For, I am easily given

over to your wiles; and

haunted by the thrum

of your soul in my own.

So, hide your infinite 

heart out among the

blueberries, ever so and

always.  Please.

Grandeur, Not Omen


The darkness given off

by the shadows on the hills

calls the heart into a collusion

with wonder and suspicion.

Do they portend something 

more than the beauty they

cast across the surface of the 

earth and precincts of the eyes.

When do we read more into

what we behold; and, when 

is that the way to go.  For now

I’ll stop at grandeur not at omen.

And the river flows on by,

unaware of any hint of dilemma.

Grandeur, not omen.


 Scattered beyond

the range of my 

broadcasting throw,

the seeds of silence

took their root in

the spaces between

the rocks of the 

walkway to the well.

And, the sprouts

and seedlings in

the cracks of the walk

sing their silences

aloud as we wend 

our way nearer

the well.  The well

of stillness and of

deep listening.

What Could a Word Hold

 What could a word hold

if you gave it a chance.

Could it contain a string

of memories and meanings,

like a bag of candy on

Halloween.  This one is from

the Smiths at the end of the

street who have a son name

Joey who plays army with me

on the weekends and lets me

sleep over.  That one is from 

Nana next door who lets me 

stay at her house everyday 

after school - milk and cookies 

and a big swing set out back.  

Might colors and music be 

hidden deep inside, escaping 

with a burst like a calliope or a 

fireworks display. First a cymbal 

crash and a pipe organ.  Next

a fountain of endless blues and


Or do they already harbor

those associations within, just

beyond reach if we do not

listen, ruminate, and pause.  Giving

ample space for their dimensions

to unfurl.  Like the flags of countless

nations fallen limp until the great

gusts of wind grab them and 

twirl them into dances.  

It takes great sweeps of time to 

press the juice out of a word.  

Little by endless little; pressing,

always for more.  Until.  Until

the cup is full, the hint exposed,

the meaning grasped firmly and

that inner self sated and content.

Place all your intent in every word,

and pause - always for an instant or

more if you may - to soak up what

hides in the corner of every letter.

What could a word hold

if you gave it a chance.

After Ye Banks and Braes

Fair banks and hills about us lay,                                they rise along the river-side;

where sun and color soon retire,

and fade from view all light of day.

I’ll steal some red from cardinal crest,

and pillage blue from bluebird nape;

palm iridescent hues and shades,

and throw them in a bowl awhile.

To stir, and knead, and soon return,

the vivid touches of the day.

Lest as the darkness cover all,

my heart would miss this river so.